Tuesday, June 22, 2010

France update

Ok, i know i told many of you that i would update my blog while in france so here goes. Today was magnificient. Right now i am in an outdoor cafe waiting for Myron who just arrived in nice. The weather is a mere 28. I am doing ok for not getting burned as I put on lots of sunscreen. This morning started off with a swim in the med sea. Nice swim. I found a set of buoys that I used as a giant rectangle. I wou ld not go to the last one as it was quite far from shore. I will wait until tomorrow when myron and i swim together.

Then off on the bike again. After my trip to the bike store I now have co2 and a small pump. I am ready for the flats....

I went on my typical ride to monoco. And actually I did not arrive there until today. Wow what a place. I saw some crazy cars. Ferraris, super crazy benz, bentle and rolls. The scenery here is quite something as well. The big news about monoco though is that i got lost trying to get back to nice. I mean how hard could it be? Well there are so many tunnels and circles and loop de loops.

Myron is here, he says hello, gotta go

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